Suggestions for writing unsolicited sales letter | Business Communication

Writing unsolicited sales letter is too difficult in solicited sales letter the customer has interest but in unsolicited sales letter the customer even don’t know our products that’s why it should be very carefully drawn up. Below are some suggestions.

·         Know the central selling point

Before writing you must know the purpose of your selling, what is your destination. the purpose may be any of the following

·         Direct sales
Directly want to sale goods and services to the existing customer

·         Future sales
Want to make the prospective customer to be our customer in the future we know that he will not buy in the present, but we attempt for the future.

·         Win back lost customers
Want to win back the lost customer, as because of any reason he left using our products etc
In all these purposes the writing style in convincing reasons will be different.

·         Know your audience 
Its very important to know our audience to whom we are writing, material should be collected to convince different buyers differently, it can be done only if we know hem/her. The following points should be kept in mind.
Age, gender, race, religion, language, qualification, experience etc

·         Detail about your product and services
We must know each and every detail about product and services, so that we should be ready to answer any question raised by the customer it also add confidence of the customer.

·         Know your market

The most important is we should kept in mind market in which market we are dealing to our customer, what are the characteristics of the market ,what about the tendency of the market, behavior of the customers in the market, etc

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