Introduction, Explanation and Definition of Business Communication


The word communication is derived from a Latin word “communice which means to share or exchange ideas and information. Without communication both individual and business life is not possible; it is required in business as blood is required for a human life. It cost the organization if not use properly according to one survey conducted in America in the past years that due to miscommunication 60 million dollar is spent.
One thing we must kept in mind that is the Attitude and wording. We should keep in mind while communicating. It’s very interesting we observe the both changes as the occasions and places changes; you focus on the following diagram.

Know you think about your wording and attitude in these many places and think which kinds of words you are using and your attitude (polite, harsh etc).

As for as the definition of communication is concern it can be define in many ways and has been define by many authors simply we can define communication as:


“Communication is the exchange of ideas and information”

But more formally communication is defined by the founder of business communication Herta A Murphy   :


“Communication is the process transmitting and receiving verbal and non verbal messages”.

According to this definition communication is a process which means it should be completed step by step to accomplish the communication goal, in this process either we receive or give information both verbal(when we use words to communicate)and nonverbal(when we don’t use words but use symbols, gestures, postures etc) to communicate.


“It’s a two way process of exchanging ideas and information”.

According to this definition communication is a two way process it mean there should be the sender and the receiver somebody must send a message and the other receive it.

 It is a big mistake that people consider communication as business communication but it’s too much different, not only common people but many authors has made no distinction in business communication ,effective business communication and communication. Here in this chapter we will separately define all these.

Business Communication

   “It is the exchange of business related ideas and information.”


 In business communication we exchange business related ideas and information ,in a business organization most of the time we are communicating business related issues it’s the fixing the prices of commodities discussing the profits, expenses etc these all must be counted in business communication it should be kept separately from communication ,communication is a common concept intend to every situation ,not necessarily business ,but business communication is directly connected with business related issues. e.g., communication of contractors, suppliers, distributors, sales man, customer etc

Effective Business Communication:

We discussed business communication in detail but one thing which is very important, if we discuss business matters it’s of course business communication but is it necessary that it should be effective?
Suppose we talk to the supplier and negotiate about the prices and there is disagreement between the parties, we are agree its business communication but is it effective communication? Let suppose another example we applied for a tender mention in the news paper, we submit proposal like other businessmen but we fail to get the order, and other companies survive, is it effective communication? No doubt all these were Business communication but not effective communication. Then what is effective communication.


Effective Business Communication:

 “It is the exchange of business related ideas and information in such a manner to achieve the organizational goals.”


The communication will be considered effective if it brings the desire objective of the organization, the communication through which we can convince people toward our organizational goal. If we fail to achieve the desired objective of the business its business communication but not effective business communication.

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