Importance Of Communication | Business Communication


 It is actually define the origin of communication principles. In old days both East and West were depended on the oral communication instead of written. There was no concept of written bills of governments and law courts appeals. That’s why the laws were not applicable for along time.  As communication were made more important the need for written communication become more important. At last in fourth century in East especially in china the principles of written communication were introduced and applicable up to date.


No organization in the world can survive without communication as no human being can survive without blood similarly no organization can survive without communication how as we know an organization as a body of several part as a human body as a combination of several parts, the organization central control department keep all these parts together with the help of strong communication let suppose there is no communication at all in the organization would it be possible for the organization to survive of course not ,life of organization will automatically will finished. You can better understand with the help of the following diagram.

Every organization has varied people in culture, age, sex, nation, religion, race etc. Therefore effective communication plays a vital role in the conduct of every organization.

In an organization the communication process can be  two types which are the following,

      a)      Internal communication
      b)     External communication

      a)      Internal communication
The information, ideas, opinions etc which flow inside the organization is called internal communication.

The internal communication can be divided into three ways which are the following

1)  Upward communication 

The information, ideas, opinions etc which flow from employees to the management is called Upward Communication.

Upward communication may be about

      ·         Opinions
      ·         Suggestion,
      ·         Report
      ·     Problem
      ·         Complaints etc
2)  Downward communication

The information, ideas, opinions etc which flow from management to the employees is called downward communication.

Downward communication may be about

      ·         Retirement Plan 
      ·         Pension Plan
      ·      Recruitment Policies 
      ·         Work Environment,                                                                   
      ·         Allowances And Commissions,
      ·         Rules And Regulation,
      ·         Meeting Agenda
      ·         Orders, Etc.

3) Horizontal communication

The information, ideas, opinions etc which flow between same level, designation, peers is called horizontal communication. the following matters can be communicated between the top level executives,

      ·         Discussion of Profit Ratio.
      ·         Finance Arrangement
      ·         Funds And Dividend Amounted.
      ·         Investment Policies
      ·         Progress of The Organization Etc       

      b)     External communication

The information, ideas, opinions etc which flow outside the organization is called external communication.

The communication which takes place with the individuals and organizations outside of the organization is called external communication.  That communication can be verbal or non verbal.

 Verbal communication:

      ·         Telephone Calls 
      ·         Video Conferencing
      ·         Chatting 
      ·         Seminars
      ·         Commercials,
      ·         Presentations Etc.

Non- verbal communication:

      ·         Messages, SMS 
      ·         Advertisement
      ·         Digital Clocks 
      ·         Sign Boards
      ·         News Papers
      ·         Charts
      ·         Tenders
      ·         E-Mails,
      ·         Broachers ,
      ·         Leaflets,
      ·         Charts,
      ·         Booklets
      ·      Magazines Etc.  


Effective communication has many advantages in our career; an effective communication has a major role in our career.

Essential for promotion:

Effective communication is consider the most important element for promotion, there are many  other factor for promotion n like  managerial skills ,decision making ,technical skill general skill, motivational ability ,leadership, etc but communication is the number priority. An effective communicator has relation with every person in organization that’s why he can easily promote his self.

 A valuable job requirement:

 Now a day’s every organization acquire that persons who has specific qualification accordingly as well as good communication skills, the individual is given preference in the organization that has strong communication power.


As we know the world has become very advance, those organization who wants to communicate with the world must know the modern trends of communication different documents and terminologies use in the global businesses, only the individual or organization who has strong and flexible communication can influence the customer and can make their business in the global market too many advance clients are dealing.


Every organization wants to give positive response to their clients and customers. its possible only we have adopted positive communication attitude.


In an organization there is variation in people age, sex, culture, race, religion, language which is in advance concept known as Workforce Diversity, So if an organization has good communicators as supervisor ,and other key position it can than easily control and lead the followers.


 A good communicator can easily influence his customers for their products and make goodwill of his self as well as of his organization.


A good communicator has strong link within and outside of the organization to promote himself easily.


An efficient communicator has great relation with outsiders for a sole purpose to achieve his organizational goals as well as for his personal object.


A good communicator can make flexible policy for his organization which is acceptable for everyone in organization.

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