Developing the right attitude for credit refusal letter (Bad news messages) | Business Communication

It is necessary to develop a right attitude for writing a credit refusal letter because in grievance bad decision may be taken which will be a matter of condemn for the future secondly if we don’t adopt right attitude we may loose our customer, and dignity in the market. The following points should be kept in mind
  • Be courteous
  • Be positive
  • Avoid negative
  • Show Co- operation
  • Be polite
  • Put yourself in the reader  shoes
  • Avoid using company rules and polices
  • Customer want the right thing
  • You have every right to expend high quality goods
Credit Refusal Letter (Bad news messages)
It is worthwhile to know that  a bad news (credit refusal letter) can represented in both direct and indirect both will be bad news, it depend upon the situation where we should use the direct and where indirect plan.

 1. Direct approach

This plan is adopted when we know the receiver, the customer, employees etc we represent the bad news (credit refusal letter) in a direct format, we adopt this format because of the rude ,and irresponsible behavior of them. we know that nothing positive can be done .in a direct approach we write the bad news (credit refusal letter) without a buffer statement. We just write few sentences for example we want to fire an individual because of his irresponsible, and bad behavior.
“Dear Mr.Haroon your services are no more required thanks”
“Dear Customer, We cannot fulfill your order we are sorry for this. thanks” we adopt direct bad news (credit refusal letter) behavior in very rare cases.”

2. Indirect approach

The indirect approach is adopted when we can not entertain our customer for one or other reasons, but we feel sorry for that, but we have some limitations due to which we refuse, reject. We try to write in such a manner that the receiver should not feel bad but understand our problem, and we can generate the element of sympathy for us. For this purpose the following format is used
  • Buffer statement
  • Main idea
  • Explanation
  • Friendly closing

3. Credit refusal letter (Bad news plan)

1.  Buffer statement

Buffer statement means giving reader interested information, that reader should continue reading, it should be one or more of the following 

We should show agreement that we are agree with you in your problem. 

We assure that we are doing some better for him we are working in his favor.

We remind him past relationship, in which we have done something better for him

Neutral courtesy
In bad news (credit refusal letter) we should neutral courtesy that he should not feel it, instead of saying increase and decrease we should say there is a “Change”

Good news
If there are two parts of the bad news (credit refusal letter) one good and other bad, we will state the good news in the buffer statement and the bad in the explanation

We appreciate him for his writing to us. It adds with our efficiency.

Show your co-operation what you can do in his favor today and in the future.

Show Understanding that you understood his problem,  you are not unaware.

2. Explanation and Analysis:

After buffer statement carefully in detail explain the situation use the following

Try to convince the reader
Give convincing reasons; use some tactful facts to convince him, provide supportive information why you are doing so.

Explain Courtesy
You tone should be positive avoid using negative words which can harm the company’s good well.

Show the best interest of the receiver.
Give him such information that he should believe that this time doing so is not in his favor he should delay his decision.

4. Decision:

  • Refuse positively: If you are refusing refuse it positively. 
  • Clarity in decision: The decision should be clearly understandable as YES and NO. it should not be misleading.
  • Tell them positively what can be done and what can not. 
  • Re-sell if possible
If possible try to resell your products and services, show future cooperation and help and sorry for this time.

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