What is Letter of Inquiry | Business Communication


 “A letter which is written for the purpose to get desirable information”
We use it when we want to know about
  • Price list
  • Services
  • Goods
  • Price list
  • Etc
A letter of inquiry should be:
  • Brief
  • Complete
  • Courteous
Letter of inquiry is divided into two kinds which are the following.

1)      Letter seeking information

A letter of inquiry is written for the purpose to know about something, i.e a product, services, information etc its mostly written to a whole seller, a company, or a supplier etc its also called letter of inquiry. Those businesses are consider running and advance organization who has latest information about products and services. There fore letter seeking information are of great importance.

2)      Letter giving information.

It’s a reply to the letter seeking information it’s a letter which is written to provide information, asked by the customer etc the information may be about product, services, etc it is also called a reply to an inquiry letter. its the pleasure of the organizations to receive inquiry letters from the customers and reply with great honor.

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