In business there is a great risk of cash misappropriation so there is a need of safety measures. There are following system may be adapted to control over cash receipts.
1. Writing of ledger:
The cashier doesn't write the ledger it should be written by other person cashier should not have control over the ledger.
2. Presence of Officer:
All the new letters should be opened under the supervision of a responsible officer.
3. Cheque's should be crossed:
All the cheques and drafts in the mail must be crossed and noted in the daily and then delivered to the casher.
4. Comparison:
The cash book must be compared with the dairy cash book and pass book entries should be reconciled.
5. Issue of receipts:
A printed sequential numbered receipt should be issued for the amount record.
6. Counterfoil:
Receipt of money should be in double or its counterfoil must be prepared and kept for reference, unused receipt books must be kept safety.
7. Daily Deposit:
All the receipt of cash and check must be deposited on the same day or next morning.
8. Use of Cheque::
Sometime payment received cash may not be used always cheque should be used for payment.
9. Sound system to cash sale:
There should be a sound system of cash sales recording method of cash sales should be cash well organized.