1. Use of Cheque:
Cheque should be used for all the payments except the petty cash. It is the first evaluate for internal control in cash payments.
2. Use of crossed cheque:
Before dispatching the cheque it should be crossed so that any other person may not cash the amount.
3. Safety of check book:
Blank check books should be under the safe custody of the responsible officials. So that these may not be misused for payments by any fraud.
4. Entry in cash books:
Payments should be recorded in the cash book as the payment is made.
5. Authorized signature:
Those persons should sign on the cheques that are authorized to sign.
6. Verification before signature:
Before signing on the cheque one should verify the documentary evidence for the payments like, voucher, invoice or ball.
7. Special nature payments:
Director of the company may sanction the payments of special nature. Cashier has no Special nature payments authority to do so.
8. Voucher importance may not be ignored:
For every payments voucher should be obtained voucher should be numbered and field their number should be noted in the cash book against the payment entry.
9. Reconciliation:
A responsible officer should settle the cash book with the bank statement time to time.
10. Wagers sheet preparation:
While maintaining the wages sheet internal control should be applied to prevent fraud.
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