Components of Communication or Elements of Communication | Business Communication

As we discussed earlier that communication is a process we send messages from one person or party to another person or party so we need certain elements, sources to send or exchange our message the following are those elements 



      A Context is actually a broad field which includes the following

·         *Country         *Culture         *Organization
·         *Opinions       *Experience   *Education    
·         *Ability           *Skills           *Likes & Dislikes
·         *View points   *Needs  
·         *Mental status, skills, profession, etc

The point that should be kept in mind is that while sending a message the sender must kept in mind the above features of the receiver if the sender sends a message without proper identification of his likes and dislikes a culture, opinion etc definitely the message will fail, and it will not be effective lets take some examples to prove it.

Suppose the MacDonald identified the need of the people of KPK for fast food , and come to the conclusio0n that there should be Barger with possible minimum price and they advertised in the TV, a ham burger with price RS 30.we all know that the pig Meat is not lawful in our religion Would you like to buy it?.

If a western company advertises short dresses in KPK for ladies would you like to buy it? The big problem is they did not realize the receiver’s context.


 “The organization or individual who sends the message is called sender its also called the encoder when the message is send electronically. “When the sender sending a message should carefully determines the receiver who he is? It can be carefully done when one keep in mind the concept of context.


  “A message is actually the core idea which you want to deliver.”

With out a message no communication is possible .There must be an idea to deliver the message may be for various purposes some of which may be the following

It may be

  •  Information
  • Announcements
  • Persuasion
  • Orders etc

The message may be in oral or written


When we use words in speaking to communicate is called oral message. It may be done in various ways some of them are the following.  Lectures, presentation, speech, conference, meeting, seminars, Audio conferencing, videoconferencing etc.


 When we use words in writing is called written message .it may be done through various ways some of them are the following.
Sign boards, notice boards, SMS, E-mail, news papers, leaflets, broachers, phemplets, booklets, billboards, books etc.


“The path or channel through which the senders deliver/sends a message is called media.” it can be divided into two ways, media inside the organization and media outside the organization, and printed media, electronic media. Which can be better understood from the following diagram.

The selection of media is very important it can either increase the cost or decrease it.lets take an example our purposes to give certain information to our sales team and we selected electronic media and advertise on the television just to inform our sales staff who is always available in the office what you thing about this decision of the organization? And you also estimate the cost which will incurs on such advertisement?


Our media may be electronic media which may include the following. TV, radio, internet, telephone, mobile, video conferencing, etc.


Our media may be printed media in which we mostly use paper for printing. Which include the following?
 News papers, books, digests, magazines, Charts, sign boards, bill boards, phemplets, booklets etc.


Some time we used to send messages inside the organization for many purposes we should carefully determine the media inside the organization, some example are the following.

Memos, notices, video conferencing, audio conferencing, charts, seminars, presentations, lecturers, staff meeting, reports ,bulletins, employees manuals, job description, posters etc.


Some time we used to send messages outside the organization for many purposes we should carefully determine the media outside the organization, it may be oral or written. Some example is the following.
Letters,Reports,Proposals,Telegrams,Faxes,Contracts,Brochures,telexes,news releases, face by face discussions, telephone, mobile, teleconferencing, video conferencing.


“A person who receives the message is called the receiver.


“It is the response of receiver against the message.” Feed back is important to measure the effectiveness of the message .The feedback may be in very ways which are the following.


The favorable response of receiver. When the receiver is agree with our message, and he considers the product, serves and information suitable for himself.


The unfavorable response of receiver. Our product, services, information etc is not suitable for the receiver he regret our message and reply negatively.


The response of the receiver may be in written form.


The response of the receiver may be in oral form, it depend upon the distance and convenience the sender feel.


The response may be action an action is acting upon the message as you understand it, it may be the dispatching of goods, or taking the required action.


The feedback may be in silence this is the very confusing feedback because the silence communicate many things it may be agreement, disagreement, acceptance ,rejection, YES or may be NO.

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