Non Verbal Communication | Business Communication

Non verbal communication is the opposite of verbal communication, in non verbal communication we don’t communicate with the words but use gesture and posture etc to communicate and deliver our message. Some time non verbal communication is more accurate than the verbal communication.

Non verbal communication can be possible in three major ways which are the following.


Appearance means how and individual or something appear before you. It can be better express in the following four ways

     ·         Effect on written message

Appearance has its effect on the written message, the envelop, the color, font style, the quality of the cover, the folder etc indicate the importance if the message, i.e. if the invitation of a marriage ceremony is printed on a rough paper (A4 size) how you will feel about.

     ·         Personal Appearance

Personal appearance means how an individual appearance his hair style, clothes, shoes, colors etc the cloths of a police officer identify him like a police officer; the clothes of a doctor identify him to be a doctor etc.

     ·         Appearance of surrounding

Surrounding also communicate it identifies the financial position of organizations and individuals i.e. the surrounding of an organization in which decorated rooms, furnished carpets ventilator, high quality furniture, marbles, well colored walls, decorated offices, etc identify good worth and vice versa.

     ·         Effect on oral message 

The words use in communication should match with the physical appearance of the individual the words of sorrow should be accompanied with a sorrow mod and the words of happiness should be accompanied with a happy attitude.


Body language is the use of different parts of  body to communicate we can use in the  following ways 

     ·         Facial expression

Facial expression involves the use of  whole face ,like eye brow, noise, mouth, lips, head, etc we of course  deliver many messages to the receiver, how do you represent when you test a Decorate  food, how is your face ,nose and eyes when you say “NO”  to somebody and you are angry.

     ·         Gestures, postures, Movement.

Postures is how you set, stand, react, how you are alert etc gesture is the use of your legs, hands, shoulders, arms. And moment when you move thinking something, or angrily from one position to another, all these postures and gestures and moments communicate something about you, think about a truck conductor he is giving signs to the driver standing far behind the driver, and the driver understand the conductor meaning, think about a traffic police indicating traffic how people understood his meanings.

     ·         Smell and touch

     Smell and touch also communicate non verbally, if you open an envelope which fragrance too nicely how do you feel, and for those who are scents addicted know the meaning of each fragrance, similarly touch when your boss touches you on the shoulder and say “Well done” how do you feel, if your mother kiss you on the check its love, and when somebody slap you in the bazaar what does it shows.

     ·         Voice and sounds

While speaking different other voices and sounds communicates with you, it indicate that the speaker is tired, throat infection, intimation to you .A loud voice is the symbol of urgency, fast speaking is the symbol of nervousness or haste.



Silence communicate many messages, it can communicate agreement, anger, thinking, negative answer etc let say  when you write a letter to the boss for three days leave ,and he say a will let you know within an hour and you did not receive his answer for the whole day what do you feel.


Time also indicate many meanings, it may be happiness and sometime angriness, let say when you go for an interview and when the timing is 8:00 o clock you reach over there at the same time and you keep waiting up to 12, and then suddenly a man appears and say those who have come for interview please write your names, now your angriness is clear. When you keep waiting for a train for hours you are board, in America when you go to your office in time you are always welcome, in Asia when the meeting time is 8:00 o clock you can guess that it will start at 10 o’clock.


Space also indicates many meaning; it shows respect, designation, biasness etc You may have seen in the ministers meeting all the minister are setting around a table besides each other’s but if you have notice the Prime minister is setting alone on a single time what does it shows its designation, if you try to notice the chairs in a seminar the chief gusts and the VIP people chairs are different and separately arranged.

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