Adjustment Letter | Business Communication

Good organizations always welcomes complaints and claims because complaints provide the opportunities to the company to improve the performance of the company, while writing a an adjustment letter the company should kept in mind the element of anger, that they receiver may be very angry because, he has caused inconvenience, however the following points should be kept in mind while writing a n adjustment letter.

  • Reply promptly
  • Explain courteously.
  • Assure him that you understood his problem
  • Tell him what can be done what can not.
  • Avoid negative
  • Thank him for writing you.

Kinds of adjustments:

Possibly there are four kind of adjustment may take place, different organizational format is required to write these adjustments

When the receiver is at fault

It may be the fault of the receiver , when he was receiving the good etc the damage or loose occur due to the receiver but still he claims for replacement etc in this situation a indirect plan is used by the organizations, the receiver is actually the customer.

·         When the sender is at fault

It may be the fault of the company who was sending the goods etc this situation is a little bit easy to handle that is why this letter may be written in the good news/direct approach, the sender  is actually the company.

·         When the third party is at fault

It may be the fault of the third party which may involved in the shipment of goods and services, I .e  the transport company, the agent, broker. This situation is also written in the indirect format.

·         When the fault is not yet recognized

It may be possible that the fault is not yet recognized and its still under investigation but the company must have to reply in this situation the indirect Approach is adopted, so that the customer is not hurt.

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